
环球商务网 2023-07-24 08:33 编辑:admin 266阅读


1. 对于女士的镂空上衣,推荐搭配同色系或者肤色的内衣,避免出现内衣色款与外套不相符合的尴尬情况。同时,为了兼顾舒适性和视觉美感,推荐侧收效果比较好的T型内裤或者剪裁优美的文胸。2. 另外,根据不同的场合和个人喜好,可以选择质地不同的内衣,如透气性良好的棉质内衣或者更显得高档的丝绸内衣。当然,无论如何,保证内衣的合适和卫生都是最重要的。













  Juicy Couture (橘滋) 是美国加州的时尚品牌,主要经营女装、男士服饰、童装、运动休闲服饰、宠物服饰、手链、腕表、包包、香水,由帕米拉·思凯斯特·利维(Pamela Skaist-Levy) 和吉拉·奈什(Gela Nash)于1995年共同创建。



Dear students,

As graduation approaches, I wanted to send you some words of encouragement and best wishes that I hope will inspire you.

1. "Chase your dreams, no matter how challenging they may seem. Believe in your abilities and face the future's challenges with courage. Wishing you immense success in your new journey!"

2. "Graduation doesn't signify an end, but rather the beginning of a new chapter. Apply what you have learned and showcase your talents and abilities. May you achieve your goals and become the person you aspire to be!"

3. "Graduation is a turning point, a starting point for pursuing your dreams. Cherish the knowledge and relationships you've gained and continue to learn and grow. You will surely shine on the stage of life!"

4. "Thank you for your contributions to the school and class. Your talents and creativity will make the world a better place. May you encounter once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and seize them!"

5. "Graduation means I won't be by your side but you will forever remain the most exceptional students in my heart. Believe in yourselves and your potential, and you will create your own brilliance!"

6. "Congratulations on your successful graduation and looking ahead to the road ahead. The first step is believing in yourself. Stay determined, keep an open mind, and you will achieve your dreams and ambitions in your new journey!"

7. "Graduation marks saying goodbye to old times, but also embracing a new future. Move forward with determination, courageously facing the unknown challenges ahead. Believe in your abilities, and you will create your own success!"

Wherever you may be, we will always support you. I hope you carry confidence and courage, forging ahead and achieving extraordinary accomplishments on your future paths. May your journey be filled with sunshine and success!

Warmest wishes,

Your teacher


维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret)是美国最大的一家女性成衣公司,是Intimate Brands集团旗下的子公司,是全球最著名的性感内衣品牌之一。

维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret)的产品种类包括了女式内衣、睡衣及各种配套服装、豪华短裤、香水化妆品以及相关书籍等,是全球最著名的、性感内衣品牌之一。2002年10月29日,全球内衣巨人Victoria's Secret在圣诞节前夕推出了由珠宝商设计的镶嵌着宝石价值1000万美元的乳罩。