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1. 英文中文版的小猪佩奇


2. 英文版小猪佩奇有没有

01 muddy puddIes

I'm Peppa Pig.

This is my Iittle brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Muddy Puddles.

It is raining today.

So, Peppa and George

Cannot play outside.

Daddy, it's stopped raining.

Can we go out to play?

Alright, run along you two.

Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.

I love muddy puddles.

Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles,

you must wear your boots.

Sorry, Mummy.

George likes to jump

in muddy puddles, too.

George. If you jump in muddy puddles,

you must wear your boots.

Peppa likes to look after

her little brother, George.

George, let's find some more puddles.

Peppa and George are

having a lot of fun.

Peppa has found a little puddle.

George has found a big puddle.

Look, George. There's

a really big puddle.

George wants to jump

into the big puddle first.

Stop, George.

I must check if it's safe for you.

Good. It is safe for you.

Sorry, George. It's only mud.

Peppa and George love

jumping in muddy puddles.

Come on, George.

Let's go and show Daddy.

Goodness me.

Daddy. Daddy.

Guess what we've been doing.

Let me think...

Have you been

watching television?

No. No. Daddy.

Have you just had a bath?

No. No.

I know. You've been

jumping in muddy puddles.

Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been

jumping in muddy puddles.

Ho. Ho. And look at

the mess you're in.


Oh, well, it's only mud.

Let's clean up quickly

before Mummy sees the mess.

Daddy, when we've cleaned up,

will you and Mummy

Come and play, too?

Yes, we can all play

in the garden.

Peppa and George are wearing their boots.

Mummy and Daddy

are wearing their boots.

Peppa loves jumping

up and down in muddy puddles.

Everyone loves jumping

up and down in muddy puddles.

Oh, Daddy pig,

look at the mess you're in.

It's only mud.

I'm Peppa Pig.

This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

3. 英文版 小猪佩奇

I'm Peppa pig.


This is my little brother, George.


This is Mummy Pig.


And this is Daddy Pig.


Peppa pig.


Muddy Puddles.

4. 小猪佩奇 英文版

1、I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother, George. 译:我是佩奇。

2、This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig. 译:这是我的妈妈。

3、I love muddy puddles. 译:我喜欢在泥坑里玩。

4.、If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 翻译:如果你要跳到泥坑里,你必须穿上靴子。

5、Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. 翻译:佩奇喜欢照顾她的弟弟乔治。

6、 Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. 翻译:佩奇和乔治玩得很开心。

5. 英文中文版的小猪佩奇怎么写


小猪佩奇(英文名:Peppa Pig)是由英国阿斯特利贝加戴维斯(Astley Baker Davis)创作、导演和制作的一部英国学前电视动画片。


6. 佩奇英文版小猪佩奇

小猪佩奇的英文为Peppa Pig 。《小猪佩奇》 是由英国人阿斯特利(Astley)、贝克(Baker)、戴维斯 (Davis)创作、导演和制作的一部英国学前电视动画片,故事围绕小猪佩奇与家人的愉快经历,幽默而有趣,藉此宣扬传统家庭观念与友情,鼓励小朋友们体验生活。相关人物英文:佩奇:Peppa

7. 小猪佩奇英文版英文

答:小猪佩奇的英文过去式为Peppa Pig
