
环球商务,B2B商务平台 2023-02-03 02:07 编辑:admin 71阅读

1. 小猪佩奇第二集






2. 小猪佩奇第七季



3. 小猪佩奇第二集英文版台词

Peppa and her family are going camping.

I love camping.

we're here.


Peppa, George,

this is the tent I had

when I was a little boy!

Daddy? How are you going

to make that into a tent?

Don't worry, Peppa!

I'm an expert at camping!

Mummy Pig, put the tent

on the poles, please.

That's it! Easy as pie!


Do these pegs do anything?

Of course!

I forgot about the pegs!

The pegs hold the tent up.


The tent is a bit little.

It was big enough for me

when I was a boy.

But it does look a bit small now..

That's because you've grown a bit

since you were a boy, Daddy Pig!

That's because you've grown a bit

since you were a boy, Daddy Pig!

And your tummy has grown the most of all!

Talking of tummies,

we should cook supper!

Yes! Yes!

First, we have to collect

sticks to make a fire.

Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig

collect sticks for the campfire.

Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig

collect sticks for the campfire.

George, I'll pick up the sticksand you can carry them.

Collecting sticks is fun!

Good. That's enough sticks.

That's a splendid campfire!

Now I'll light it.

Here are the matches.

We don't need matches!

Daddy, how can you light it without matches?

I'm going to make fire the old way,by simply rubbing these two sticks together!

Daddy Pig is rubbing the two sticks togetherto light the campfire.

Daddy Pig is rubbing the two sticks togetherto light the campfire.

Where is the fire, Daddy?

Nearly there...


Easy as pie!

Now we can heat up the tomato soup.

Ahhh! Listen to the sounds of nature!

What is that sound?

That is the sound of crickets chirping.

What is that?

That's an owl.

Look! There it is!

And what's that noise?

4. 小猪佩奇第二季目录


《小猪佩奇》(Peppa Pig)是英国动画公司Astley Baker Davies与Entertainment One制作的原创欧洲儿童系列电视动画,由内维尔·阿斯特利、马克·贝克、菲尔·霍尔与乔里斯·范胡尔岑执导,于2004年5月31日在英国电视五台首播,2015年6月,《小猪佩奇》引进中国大陆,并在中央电视台少儿频道首播

5. 小猪佩奇第二集中文版


《小猪佩奇》,又译作《粉红猪小妹》是由英国人阿斯特利(Astley)、贝克(Baker)、戴维斯(Davis)创作、导演和制作的一部英国学前电视动画片,原名为《Peppa Pig》,也是历年来最具潜力的学前儿童品牌。
