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1. 小猪佩奇中文配音


2. 小猪佩奇英文版

“Daddy Pig cannot see a thing without them. And it makes him very grumpy.猪爸爸没有眼镜可什么都看不见,这让他非常暴躁。”

3. 小猪佩奇中文配音是谁


4. 小猪佩奇英文版音频

01 muddy puddIes

I'm Peppa Pig.

This is my Iittle brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Muddy Puddles.

It is raining today.

So, Peppa and George

Cannot play outside.

Daddy, it's stopped raining.

Can we go out to play?

Alright, run along you two.

Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.

I love muddy puddles.

Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles,

you must wear your boots.

Sorry, Mummy.

George likes to jump

in muddy puddles, too.

George. If you jump in muddy puddles,

you must wear your boots.

Peppa likes to look after

her little brother, George.

George, let's find some more puddles.

Peppa and George are

having a lot of fun.

Peppa has found a little puddle.

George has found a big puddle.

Look, George. There's

a really big puddle.

George wants to jump

into the big puddle first.

Stop, George.

I must check if it's safe for you.

Good. It is safe for you.

Sorry, George. It's only mud.

Peppa and George love

jumping in muddy puddles.

Come on, George.

Let's go and show Daddy.

Goodness me.

Daddy. Daddy.

Guess what we've been doing.

Let me think...

Have you been

watching television?

No. No. Daddy.

Have you just had a bath?

No. No.

I know. You've been

jumping in muddy puddles.

Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been

jumping in muddy puddles.

Ho. Ho. And look at

the mess you're in.


Oh, well, it's only mud.

Let's clean up quickly

before Mummy sees the mess.

Daddy, when we've cleaned up,

will you and Mummy

Come and play, too?

Yes, we can all play

in the garden.

Peppa and George are wearing their boots.

Mummy and Daddy

are wearing their boots.

Peppa loves jumping

up and down in muddy puddles.

Everyone loves jumping

up and down in muddy puddles.

Oh, Daddy pig,

look at the mess you're in.

It's only mud.

I'm Peppa Pig.

This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

5. 小猪佩奇中文版全集

1:佩奇和苏西的塑料姐妹花情谊 这一幕想必大家在微博中已经看得不想再看了,大意就是佩奇和苏西参加了一场幼儿园的才艺课,所有人都要表演自己的特长,才艺课的佩奇太憋屈了,准备了许多才艺但是都被人表演过了。

最后,苏西还表演了佩奇说过的最后一项才艺,果真是塑料姐妹花。再加上吹口哨的那集,不得不说这对好闺蜜真的是真爱了。2 把猪爸爸忘在沙子里了 《小猪佩奇》一家四口去海滩玩,他们把爸爸埋在沙子里,结果就忘了。不知道后来猪爸爸怎么样了,细思极恐。3、佩奇其实很讨厌弟弟 《小猪佩奇》中佩奇经常背着父母故意欺负乔治,这个大家也是经常看到的了,但是这也是由于父母重男轻女偏袒弟弟导致的。4 小猪佩奇中猪爸爸存在感为0 首先猪爸爸在家中的地位很低,基本都是属于小丑角色。逗孩子开心和小丑还是差别很大的。技能多到了令人发指的地步,但是猪妈妈还是看不起他,很多次买东西吃东西的时候都会让孩子们吃掉猪爸爸的那一份,也不再重新买一份。5 猪爸爸和羚羊的关系不一般 这个大家可以看图说话。其实,小宅后来想想《小猪佩奇》虽然看似有这么多的细思恐极的情节,但是实际上却是大家以成年人的思维去思考了这样一部幼儿动画导致的。小宅觉得,这种分析大家还是笑笑就好了,并不能当真的哦!

6. 小猪佩奇英语配音





7. 小猪佩奇全集免费观看英文

Pepper pig has a happy family, her father, her mother, and her brother George. They live in a big house, Pepper also has a lot of friends, like sussie, who is a sheep.They would go for vacation on holidays.