
环球商务网 2023-07-26 12:17 编辑:admin 223阅读







人是一种动物,是目前自然界最为高等的动物,这是亿万年生存竞争的结果。 苍蝇是好朋友吗? 所有人类以外的动物,最终都要被人利用,或观赏、或食用、或使役等。有的动物需要保护,只不过是利用太过,需要让它达到一定数量之后再利用。要说朋友,那只是一个语文的说法罢了! 为了生存,人依旧要处在这个自然界中的食物链之中,不过是最高级的一环了!


我认为人与动物之间的关系直接影响到人与自然的关系。都是如同照镜子一样。你对他笑他也会对你笑。I believe that the relationship between the man and the animal affects the relationship between the man and the nature, which is just like the mirror, when you smile to it , it will smile back to you. 小时候养过小狗,它十分可爱。会绕着你不停地转圈。如果这时候我给他吃块牛肉它就会用舌头舔你。但后来因为家族的遗传病死了… When I was young, I raised a lovely puppy. It turned around me in circles. It would lick me if I fed it with a piece of beef. But, it died of a disease inherited from its family. 以前还养过鹦鹉。一只鹦鹉被其他鹦鹉欺负,头破了。我妈妈就给它擦药很细心的照顾它。后来它都不会咬我们。飞走了也会飞回来。Also, I raised a parrot. When its head got scratches from other bullying parrots, my mother would put some medicine on the scratches and take good care of it. Later on, it would not bite us and it would come back after flying away. 所以我认为人与动物的关系就和人与人的关系一样。你对她好它也会对你好。 So, I regard the relationship between the animal and the man as the one between people, which means you will have a good return when you treat it right.