
环球商务网 2023-10-08 21:56 编辑:admin 60阅读

The old water buffalo of my house My house of last year in the cow house return two cow, left a head of flower milk cow just now, that scrawny old water buffalo, also don't know it what's the matter. Remembering usually is at have leisure of time, I then lead long an old water buffalo to river pool with small crew member up play, let the old water buffalo conveniently eat some sods.The old water buffalo always needs to see on all sides landscape, then just lowers the head to eat grass.At this time, I round the bridle to it of two Cape up, let it free activity, it seems to thank me stretch out a rough tongue to lick me once the back of the hand.If I clap it of head, say:Lie Cape.It chases a head right away lowly, let me hand it of Cape, then it one rise, hand me at it of carry on the back up. Water of the old water buffalo is specially good.In summer, it likes to play water most , usually sneak in water bottom and foot's hasing half doesn't raise head for hour, let the fly can not find it, can also make oneself cool.Sometimes, it will also chase the whole body mire of oneself and keep mosquito Ding from bite! Old water buffalo is very the very old cow of the human nature.The feet head quarter trampled the inside of the footprint of two forepaws after 2 when it walk and was like a person be walk.Time of plough, the plough head deeply puts into the inside of the mud, brown of the mud turn over into a line and specially keep.The old water buffalo stem lives not important person to threaten, and another of what it is no object.Early winter, the adults feed flower milk cow with the rare potato rattan, the rice straw which edible withered Huang of old water buffalo, I stealthily Ye some rattan son fill to it and it kisses my face in person and seem to be say:Little host relate to.Spend the milk cow eats to order green animal feed just produce milk, I am old, can't give the host much contribution and eat to go everything. Finally and one day, father say:We would live into the small area, does money which buys a house still lack, sell an old water buffalo. Face to walk of that day of, the old water buffalo turns head to hope difficult give up of cabin, hope familiar countryside, the inside of the eye's ising full is a tears. 翻译:我家的老水牛 我家的牛屋里去年还住着两头牛,如今只剩下一头花奶牛了,那头瘦骨嶙峋的老水牛,也不知它怎样了。 记得经常是在有空闲的时候,我便和小伙伴们牵着老水牛到河滩上玩耍,让老水牛顺便吃些草皮。老水牛总是要看看四周的景色,然后才低下头吃草。这时,我把缰绳绕到它的两只角上,让它自由活动,它像是感谢我似的伸出粗糙的舌头舔我一下手背。如果我拍拍它的头,说:“卧角。”它就马上把头低下来,让我扶着它的角,然后它一抬头,就把我扶在它的背上了。 老水牛的水性特别好。夏天,它最喜欢玩水,常常潜入水底,足有半个小时不抬起头,让苍蝇找不到它,还能让自己凉爽凉爽。有时,它还会把自己涂一身泥,防止蚊虫叮咬呢! 老水牛是很通人性的好老牛。它走路时两只后脚总会踩到两只前脚的脚印里,像人在走路。耕田的时候,犁头深深的插进泥土里,褐色的泥土翻成一条线,特别直。老水牛干活不要人吆喝,而且别的什么它都不计较。初冬了,大人们用难得的山芋藤喂花奶牛,老水牛只能吃到枯黄的稻草,我偷偷地拽了一点藤子塞给它,它亲亲我的脸,好像在说:“小主人,没关系。花奶牛吃点青饲料才好产奶,我老了,不能给主人多大的贡献,吃什么都行。” 终于有一天,爸爸说:“我们就要住进小区了,买房子的钱还缺着呢,就把老水牛卖了吧。” 临走的那天,老水牛回头望望难舍的小屋,望望熟悉的田野,眼里满是泪水。
